Streamline your recruiting and on-boarding
Making recruitment simpler with Dropbox for Business
Recruiting and on-boarding of new employees is time-consuming work. There are processes to follow and lots of documents to manage. HR teams can end up spending more time on the paperwork than they do actually finding and hiring the right employees.
So it makes sense to take away some of that extra work. Dropbox for Business lightens the load on HR, by facilitating a smoother and more efficient recruiting and on-boarding process. There are three areas in which it can help your HR team do a better job.
1. Resumes can be collected using File Requests
The conventional way to gather resumes is to ask applicants to email them, or submit them via your website. But there's a better way. File Requests allow you to invite anyone to upload a file into a designated folder in your Dropbox account. Anyone can do this – they don't need their own Dropbox account to do so.
So you can simply ask any job applicant to submit their resumes via a File Request link. The documents they send will automatically feed into a single Dropbox folder. From there you can review all the resumes, references and cover letters in one place.
Your Dropbox folder is entirely private. Only you can view the submitted files, unless you decide to share them with other people on your team.
To make the recruitment process even easier, you can set a deadline on your File Request links. This means that after a certain point in time, no further resumes will be accepted. That helps you maintain recruiting deadlines, without having to deal with late submissions.
2. On-boarding using Dropbox groups
Once you've recruited the right person, what's the best way to get them up to speed? On-boarding is another process that involves plenty of documents – sometimes dozens of them.
You could manually transfer all the documents to your new starter, perhaps by email or giving them access to a network folder. But Dropbox for Business makes it much easier, by letting you create access to shared folders for groups of people.
For example, you might decide to create a Marketing group in Dropbox for Business. Any new marketing hire can be added to this group. That will automatically grant them access to all the Marketing group's materials and documents. It sets them up with the resources they need from day one, at the click of a button.
3. On-boarding using team folders
There's some type of information that every new starter needs to know, regardless which department they will work in. This includes company policies and forms, leave request documents, health and safety procedures and other general information.
Again, you could simply email this information to every new hire, but it's an inefficient way of handing over the information. Instead, you can use Dropbox for Business Team folders to give them what they need.
Anyone added to a team by an administrator is automatically given access to all the folders and files relating to that team. So by creating a company team folder, you can quickly and easily share information with every new hire.